Category: All News
4 Creative Ways To Get 100% ROI From Real Estate
As the years roll by, real estate is arguably the only property that appreciates considerably with time. While more people are getting increasingly invested in real estate, a lot of others turn away disappointed due to the margins involved. Real estate investments are usually long term investments for the best returns and are generally low-risk…
Oil & Gas Vs Renewable Energy – How The Past Could Brighten The Future
The new decade begins with steady growth in campaigns geared towards facilitating a complete shift from fossil fuels to safer renewable energy options. The pressure from stakeholders, NGO’s concerned about the environment as well as the general public has prompted oil and gas companies to modify their operations in a bid to decarbonize the energy…
Stakeholders Call for Re-evaluation of Housing Laws
Worried by the increasing housing deficit in the country, stakeholders in the sector have called for the re-evaluation of the nation’s extant laws. According to them, Nigeria’s laws, as presently constituted, hinder the growth of the housing sector. They noted that the sector had the potential for job creation, socio-economic growth, enhanced Gross Domestic Products/internally…